Reade Range will be conducting an introductory high power rifle clinic geared toward new shooters and juniors on Saturday/Sunday, May 25/26. This is not an advanced clinic. Saturday will consist of a classroom style introduction to the sport of high power rifle in the morning, followed by some one on one live fire instruction in the afternoon. Sunday will be an 80 shot xtc match with new shooters being squadded with experienced shooters. Eye and ear protection is required.
There is no charge. Pre-registration is not required.
Ammo will be provided.
Saturdays lunch will be provided.
If you have a service rifle, bring it along. If not, we’ll provide that as well. Start time both days is 9:00.
The range address is 1257 Wippers road, Fallen Timber, Pa. Directions to the range can be found on the website at
If you have any questions, call or text Allen Castle at 607-738-8753